Photo by Ann Danilina on Unsplash

FreshGrade is an amazing tool that educators can use to make lessons, assess and keep track of each students progress and learning in the class. For parents there are many benefits that come from the use of FreshGrade such as receiving daily uploads of information from the teacher such as photos, videos, audio, and notes. For parents it allows them to feel as though they are truly involved in their child’s learning process by being able to visually see what the class is doing each day and the content being taught. They also attain the ability to comment on their child’s work, which allows parents to give positive feedback on something their child is doing really well in, or equally if  they were struggling with something parents will know what the class was working on and be able to give their child the support that they need in order to succeed.

Parents do not have to wait for parent teacher meetings throughout the school year to learn how their child is doing in the class, with FreshGrade parents are sent frequent updates from the classroom teacher discussing their child’s learning and achievements and can understand how their child is doing in each unit or subject.  FreshGrade also has an app which makes it more accessible for parents to receive information regarding their child’s learning while at work or on the go.

A downside to FreshGrade is that if the parents are not confident in their technological abilities they might not know how to correctly navigate FreshGrade or use it in the best way to benefit their child. As an app,  some parents have had issues with it crashing and not showing pictures of videos in the best quality so it is not always reliable. Some parents might also have different opinions on the use of pictures and videos of their child online. Even though FreshGrade has a strong privacy policy it is completely understandable if a parent does not feel comfortable with their child’s learning information shown online.