I can not believe that this free inquiry is already coming to an end but it is ending not the way I thought it would have. A couple of things have changed/complicated my plans for my original inquiry but overall I am still very happy with everything that I have accomplished and learned this far. COVID-19 has sadly put in running my first ever 10km race on hold, they announced last week that the TC 10km race will be postponed till next year. I was pretty upset by this as I had finally signed up for my first race and felt like my running was actually working towards something. I like to look at this as just another hurdle I have overcome on this journey as I am still running at least three times a week. That is one of the things I have really enjoyed from doing this free inquiry. Running is now a habit to me and something I really look forward to every week, it has not only been a good way to get physical activity but has also helped improve my mental health. Running allows me to escape from my day to day task lists and the pressures that so moany of us students feel everyday. I love that I can just put my headphones in and run down a trail going nowhere in particular.
My goal going into this free inquiry was to make running a habit, be able to run 10km, and hopefully do that in under an hour but increasing my pace. At the beginning of this inquiry, I was only running about 5-6 km every run and faced a few obstacles such as lack of motivation, not stretching, and lack of nutrition to fuel my body. As I progressed, I slowly started to improve on these and watched my progress increase week by week. I was able to explore new areas around the island and finally got to my goal of running 10 km. Unfortunately, I was not able to increase my pace to reach 10 km in under an hour but I was very close and am still trying to make sure I make that goal a reality.
All in all this has been a very good experience for me and I challenge others to set out a free inquiry for themselves. It is amazing how much easier it is to achieve and work for something when you are passionate and actually interested in what it is you are learning. After doing my own free inquiry, I look forward to using types of inquiry in my own classroom one day and allowing for my students’ interests to drive their desire to learn.