This week was the first week I was actually able to run and wow…. that was really difficult. While it was very difficult and getting to 10km is going to take lots of training, I really enjoyed myself. My first two runs this week were on Wednesday and Friday, and they taught me a lot. First, they don’t lie when they say you should stretch before you run, I could barely walk the next morning and my hips have never hurt so bad. Second, I enlisted my friend to run with me which was a very good idea and I do enjoy running with a partner but wow I could hardly talk to her because I was so winded. I also found it to be a little difficult for us to find a good pace that worked for both of us, she has previous experience running and I do not so that was a little difficult. Third, both days I ran this week it was pouring rain and I was not appropriately dressed for those types of weather condition, but at the same time I also really loved running in the rain. I also attempted to run with my dog on Friday and that wasn’t my best idea. He is still a puppy and still not fully trained to even walk on the leash let alone run. Let’s just say I almost tripped over him many times and I had to stop a lot while he sniffed everything he could

Overall though, I really enjoyed myself. Being able to put my headphones in just run without thinking about school, or work, or life was very therapeutic. I was felt very accomplished after my run and felt like a had a ton of energy to take on the rest of the day. I also found that because I had exercised and done something good for my body, I was more inclined to eat healthier and drink more water that day because I didn’t want to spoil all the good my run had done for me. I felt as though my pace wasn’t that bad for not being a very consistent runner. I managed to maintain a 6.31 minute average pace on my first run and then declined to around a 7 minute average on my second run but that was because of my dog or at least that’s the story I’m sticking with. My first run was 5km and my second only 4km… again because of my dog. My goal for next week is to try and get to 6-7km and to try and run at least 3 days. I am also going to start researching some good pre and post run foods, in order to fuel my body properly for my runs. I will keep you all posted next week!

Here is a link to some good pre/post running stretches: